In my February message, I shared the town was in the final stages of completing audio and video systems upgrades at town hall. With this message, I’m pleased to report not only the completion of that work, but also our first successful video recording of our February 13th Town Council Meeting! Although I expect we will work to improve future meeting video images and presentation content, this first video is an important step forward. My thanks to current and prior councils for supporting this investment in system upgrades, and to town staff and the technical team at Zirrus in helping us achieve this important milestone. As noted in previous messages—and I will continue to share in our meetings—recorded Town Council meetings furthers our goal for both increased transparency in town matters and provides for yet another channel of showing your elected leaders in action. Regardless which method you use to stay informed, I encourage everyone to continue to attend our meetings, provide citizen comments if you choose, and engage your town leaders in person. Ultimately, it is that direct engagement that connects town leaders with those we serve. For future Town Council meetings, we will publish the link to these recordings on our town website and via our social media pages. Our goal is to do that within a day or two after the meeting. So, with my sincere thanks to our council, staff, and Zirrus, here is the link to our recorded February 13, 2024 Town Council Meeting: Council Meeting Video Mike Brannon |