Please join me as we congratulate and welcome Mayor-elect Mike Brannon, Council Member-elect Rae Nelson, and Council Member-elect Jeff Tedder into their new roles in our town. (NC State Board of Elections) I also want to again thank all candidates for their willingness to enter the race and serve our community. Their collective commitment and dedication to our town is commendable. Each of the new elected representatives will take their Oath of Office during our Town Council Meeting on December 12, 2023, beginning at 6:00 PM at Town Hall. During the next month Mayor-elect Brannon and I will continue to work very closely together as we focus on a smooth transition of leadership. Additionally, current Town Council members, town staff, and I will work to assist the new Council Members-elect Nelson and Tedder as they prepare to assume their new roles serving our town. As we have shared during these past many months, our town and county are in a period of great activity. I am very confident in our town’s elected representatives, our appointed Boards, and most importantly our town’s engaged and active residents as we look ahead to a great future for this special community. I want to thank all of you who took time to vote and make sure your voice is heard. Our voter turn-out was higher than in recent past elections, and I am confident that we will continue this trend into the future. Finally, it is important to note the significance of our turning out to vote, especially as we approach Veterans Day on November 11. It’s a time to remember the sacrifices of our veterans and to appreciate the rights and responsibilities we have as citizens. Our increased voter turnout is indeed a positive sign for the future of our community. As always, I continue to look forward to hearing from you. My email address is and my phone number is 336.391.1992. Rick Cross |